
Integrating more veggies into the diet can seem like hard work though if you have a plan and incorporate some of these simple strategies you will be loading up on the goodness of greens before you know it!

1. Buy More, Eat More

The more sweets, cookies, cakes, chips you purchase and have around the house the more likely you are to eat them. Instead fill you basket, fridge and pantry full of the good stuff. Load the shopping cart with fresh greens, powdered greens and even frozen greens for a back up. The less access you have to junk food, the more likely it is you’ll make a health-supporting choice when hunger or a late-night craving strikes.

2. Be Prepared

When you lead a busy life and don't necessarily think ahead when it comes to food  choices it’s going to be more challenging to make a positive change. Though when you think ahead and allow a little thought and preparation it can change your whole direction. Prepare your lunch, juice, smoothies in advance. Pack your snacks, carry herbal teas in your bag, keep a green superfood powder on your desk. These simple ideas are perfect for people on the go. Organisation is the key!!!

3. Drink Your Vegetables

Cold pressed juices and smoothies and are a great way to get instant hit of green goodness. If time poor juices can easily be made in advance. Cold pressed juices keep fresh for 3-4 days. Considering this you can easily use the week end to purchase, wash, cut, juice and divide into individual bottles for your week ahead. Home made cold pressed juice is a far better option than buying processed, sugared veggie or fruit juices. The benefits of smoothies is they are so quick, easy and nutritious. It is a simple and effective way to load up on a large amount of green vegetables that you otherwise wouldn't normally consume. The great thing about smoothies is you can pre pack and plan ahead. If you have more free time on the week ends you can use this time to divide ingredients into individual servings so in the morning all he has to do is grab a container, dump the contents into the blender, add liquid and press blend. Another great alternative is powdered greens which will usually contain the equivalent of three or four servings of fruits and vegetables.

4. Make it fun

It can be challenging to incorporate more greens and nutrients into daily life, you may find this is especially true when it comes to children. Children love pretty and playful things which is why they are drawn to lollies, candy, chocolate and all those food items that look appealing. Why not get creative with food for the sake of our children…turn smoothies into popsicles, juices into ice blocks, cut fruits and veggies into different playful shapes. Trying new things with fruits and veggies can really go a long way to excite children about the good stuff.

5. Be aware of surrounding health food hubs

When we are not always in the ideal state of preparation and organisation it is a huge asset to be conscious of the cafes, juice bars and supermarkets that surrounds your work and your home. It sounds so simple right…but how often have you discovered something new in your neighbourhood only to realise it has been there for years. Although social media is helping to spread the wellness love a few minutes of quick research to be aware of your local healthy hubs can be of great convenience for times when you simple have no time. Rather than resorting to the quickest, closest corner store be aware of other health conscious places in your area.

6. Have a box of vegetables delivered to you every week

If lack of time to shop is keeping you from going green. Opt for a box of vegetables to show up at your door every week, you'll be that much more likely to eat them. We love Earth and Sky Organics!

7. Put your vegetables in front of you in the Fridge

Its all well and good to be neat and tidy and have a place for everything and everything in its place but I'm sure you will opt for more greens if they are right in front of you in the fridge...not hidden away at the back of a draw. Put them right up front, where you'll see and remember them.

8. Eat a salad at every meal

Whether you are having breakfast, lunch or dinner adding a side salad to these meals can be a so simple quick and easy. Imagine how many more nutrients you will be consuming in your daily diet by adding these extra 3 salads per day.