Christmas can turn into and absolute frenzy of over consumption, over indulgence and WASTE. We find this hard to swallow with the challenges we are facing in our world today. Something has to shift and people need to connect the dots with their consumption, waste and many of our current crises. Everything we do counts and every step we take to live more consciously really matters. Its not about doing everything perfectly rather becoming more present and aware the choices we are making in day to day life especially over the Christmas period. In the midst of the hustle, bustle & Christmas rush try to ask yourself these questions:

Do you really need that present?

Can you swap toys with friends? Instead of buying new toys?

Is the wrapping you are using biodegradable? If not can your ensure it is recycled appropriately?

Can you avoid plastic decor and decorations and opt for things found in nature like pinecones, flowers, leaves?

Can you have more plant based meals on your table this Christmas?

Can you give leftovers to friends, neighbours, animals or at least compost them?

Can you pick up that rubbish that you see at the park, the beaches or the streets?

Can you chat to your kids about the effects of plastics and the environment or better still watch a documentary or two together?

Can you gift a plant instead of a bunch of flowers?

Can you gift any unused or unwanted toys to charities and organisations?

Instead buying of presents would you be open to donating money to charities instead?

There are so many small things that we can all do to make a difference.

Here are some ways you can truly give back this Christmas:

  • Donate pre loved clothes to your local Red Cross store.

  • Donate pre loved toys to Hospitals, Homeless Shelters, Doctors Surgery’s, Daycare Centers etc.

  • Donate to organizations like World Wildlife Fund to help protect endangered species.

  • Volunteer your time to assist your local food and soup vans.

  • Donate and support your local fire brigade.

  • Donate your time to assist environmental organizations like Landcare.

We hope these suggestions inspire you in some way, shape or form and remember it’s not about doing everything perfectly but simply being more present and making more mindful choices.

Merry Christmas Humans! Xx

BODY, DETOXStacey Christie